Watch in HD Dead Man Down (2013)
- MOVIE page: Dead Man Down (2013)
- Rate: 6.5/10 total 9,044 votes
- Genre: Action | Crime | Drama | Thriller
- Runtime: 118 min
- Filming Location: Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA
- Gross: $10,880,926 (USA) (12 April 2013)
- Director: Niels Arden Oplev
- Stars: Colin Farrell, Noomi Rapace, Terrence Howard | See full cast and crew
- Original Music By: Jacob Groth
- Sound Mix: Dolby Digital
- Plot Keyword: New York City | Crime Lord | Hit On The Head With A Rock | Murder | Death Of Daughter
- J.H. Wyman (written by)
Goofs: Errors in geography: At the end of the film, while Victor and Beatrice travel home on the NYC subway, you can see the sign "York-Dauphin", which is a Elevated stop on Philadelphia's SEPTA Market Frankford Line.
Plot: In New York City, a crime lord's right-hand man is seduced by a woman seeking retribution. Full summary » | »
Story: Victor, a rising gangland player, has infiltrated the crime empire run by ruthless kingpin Alphonse, with the single purpose of making Alphonse pay for destroying his once happy life. As he meticulously orchestrates his vengeance from his high-rise home, Victor watches and is watched by Beatrice, a mysterious young woman who lives in the apartment across from his. On the surface a fragile woman-child, Beatrice seethes with a rage of her own. When she uncovers Victor's dark secrets, she threatens to expose him unless he helps her carry out her own campaign of retribution. Each fixated on avenging the past, they devise a violent and cathartic plan that could change their worlds forever. Written byFilmDistrict
Produced By:
- Bailey Conway known as production executive
- Stuart Ford known as executive producer
- Brian Kavanaugh-Jones known as executive producer
- Michael Luisi known as executive producer
- Ori Marmur known as executive producer
- Neal H. Moritz known as producer
- Deepak Nayar known as executive producer
- Peter Schlessel known as executive producer
- Reid Shane known as executive producer
- Steven Squillante known as co-executive producer
- J.H. Wyman known as producer
- Joseph Zolfo known as co-executive producer
- Colin Farrell known as Victor
- Noomi Rapace known as Beatrice
- Terrence Howard known as Alphonse
- Dominic Cooper known as Darcy
- Isabelle Huppert known as Valentine Louzon
- Luis Da Silva Jr. known as Terry
- Stu Bennett known as Kilroy
- Franky G known as Luco
- Declan Mulvey known as Goff
- John Cenatiempo known as Charles
- Roy James Wilson known as Blotto (as Roy James Wilson, Jr.)
- Myles Humphus known as Lance
- Stephen Hill known as Roland
- Aaron Vexler known as Paul
- James Biberi known as Ilir
- F. Murray Abraham known as Gregor
- Andrew Stewart-Jones known as Harry
- Krystal Tini known as Harry's Girl
- William Zielinski known as Alex
- Jessica Jean Wilson known as Alex's Girl
- Christopher Cline known as Doctor
- Kimberly S. Fairbanks known as Nurse
- Michael McKiddy known as FedEx Guy
- Beata Dalton known as Anka (as Beata Alexandra Dalton)
- Accalia Quintana known as Delphine
- J. Santiago known as Latin Man
- Maria Laboy known as Matilde
- Saul Stein known as Andras
- Roy Milton Davis known as Derelict
- Armand Assante known as Lon Gordon
- Robert Vataj known as Albanian Hostage
- Jennifer Mudge known as Florence
- Giuseppe Bausilio known as Teenager in Sunglasses
- Thoreau Arden Pedersen known as Teenager #1
- Rachel Resheff known as Teenager #2
- Kahlil Middleton known as Teenager #3
- Jennifer Lee Wong known as Client with One Eyebrow
- Ante Novakovic known as Peter
- Kresh Novakovic known as Carl
- Bobby Beckles known as Harry's Jamaican #1
- Raw Leiba known as Harry's Jamaican #2
- Hisham Tawfiq known as Harry's Jamaican #3
- Nnamdi Nwosa known as Harry's Jamaican #4
- R. Marcus Taylor known as Harry's Jamaican #5
- Jeremy Sample known as Harry's Jamaican #6
- John Wooten known as Harry's Jamaican #7
- Stephen Mann known as Albanian #1
- Aleksander Mici known as Albanian #2
- Stephen Esposito known as Albanian #3
- Adam Wood known as Albanian #4
- Thomas La Marche known as Albanian #5
- Steven Gagliano known as Albanian #6
- Heather Walker known as Lise
- Gina Allegro known as Business Woman (uncredited)
- Dario Barosso known as Street teen (uncredited)
- Robert Bizik known as Wall Street Executive (uncredited)
- Jennifer Butler known as Jeep Driver (uncredited)
- Bill Chemerka known as Albanian Elder (uncredited)
- Michael Connolly known as Standin-in for Robert Vataj (uncredited)
- Christian Dorsey known as Cab Driver (uncredited)
- Cindy Engle known as Pedestrian (uncredited)
- Shawn Gonzalez known as Stand-in for Luis Da Silva Jr (uncredited)
- David Kneeream known as Business Man (uncredited)
- Michael J. Kraycik known as Bar Patron (uncredited)
- Raymond Mamrak known as NYPD Officer Daniels (uncredited)
- John Mitchell known as Wall Street Executive (uncredited)
- Justin S. Myrick known as Street Teen (uncredited)
- Mihir Pathak known as Indian Cab Driver (uncredited)
- Michelle Santiago known as Train passenger (uncredited)
- Kelly Southerland known as Cemetary Driver (uncredited)
- Aleksandra Svetlichnaya known as Salon Customer (uncredited)
- Joe Zarriello known as Busboy (uncredited)
- Aileen Zoccola known as Screaming Girl (uncredited)
Production Companies:
- Automatik Entertainment (in association with)
- Frequency Films
- IM Global
- Original Film
- WWE Studios
MPAA: Rated R for violence, language throughout and a scene of sexuality
Dead Man Down (2013) Review by del91 from Penang, Malaysia / Chicago, USA
He looks out the window in the night sky after a long day's work,thinking of what has become of himself. Across his apartment balcony,in the window of the building opposite his, stares a woman, solemn,pained. Their eyes meet, and, slowly, they wave at each other. Not aword was spoken.
Subtle scenes like these evoke memories of the raw power of film - itis emotion, not words or sometimes action - that drive a motionpicture. Thing is, Vic is a thug working for a ruthless mobster; andBeatrice is a traumatized victim of a car accident. The subtlety willnot last long, but it does make healthy re-appearances.
Niels Arden Oplev's "Dead Man Down" is the English-language debut(third this year overall following two Korean efforts) of the Swedishfilmmaker famous for the original "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" film.He even brought along his star Noomi Rapace for the ride. It is a joyto see a modern filmmaker who cares for and loves his characters asmuch as the audience expects themselves to, that we are invested inthem strongly and want to see them succeed. He crafts the film withlove, as the cinematography gracefully dances around the characters, asif it was a complex ballet intrigue and hidden motives. Do we reallywant to right that wrong? Will it be worth it in the end? For us andfor our loved ones?
The movie is, first and foremost, a revenge thriller. But surprisingly,it is also a compelling love story. From the moment the film opens weare thrust into the urban jungle of New York City (accentuated with amoody and atmospheric score by Jacob Groth, composer of the original"Millennium" trilogy), but with a poignant yet meaningful statement byVic's friend Darcy (Cooper). Writer J.H. Wyman uses strands of earlierrevenge films, twisty film-noirs and the classic melodramatic romanceof earlier Hollywood films and incorporated them into his screenplay.Oplev transforms the screenplay, with such passionate energy andinventiveness, that the whole film somehow resembles a classic romanticEuropean fable - sort of like this big tough warrior who falls in lovewith a wounded soul in a far-away and dangerous land, and both becomekindred spirits. It is engrossing and captivating to watch thecharacters actually become real human beings, instead of beingcaricatures. This is a film where the characters' decisions affectswhat happens next.
The film would not succeed had it not been for the two leads, ColinFarrell and Noomi Rapace, followed by a strong and diverse supportingcast. Farrell is strong as Vic, big, tough but withdrawn and solemn,slowly hiding away his anguish and rage towards his real enemy. Rapace,an actress whom I'm starting to grow fond of, is quite wonderful asBeatrice, who is traumatized but is still capable of captivating thelonely Vic. She walks and talks with unease, but there are times whereshe switches gears and becomes intensely aggressive in her true goal,where it will reveal is eating her up slowly but surely. The strongchemistry between the duo make the movie much, much better than it wasintended.
The rest of the cast consists of Terrence Howard as a deliciouslyruthless and intimidating as the villain Alphonse (watch the scenewhere he confronts Vic in a dark apartment room, with backlighting inPaul Cameron's cinematography brilliantly capturing the essence ofnoir), Dominic Cooper giving Darcy a human and realistic portrayal of astock crime film character, and brief but warmly welcome appearances ofF. Murray Abraham and Isabelle Huppert.
This is a movie which has something for both guys and gals. Guys willgo for the gritty story and the obligatory "Colin Farrell kicks ass"scenes, especially the violent climax. Women would go just to seeFarrell the romantic, and the compelling chemistry between the twoleads are enough to make them swoon over. But the film is so well made,the characters and story strongly developed and very compelling enoughto hold my attention for two hours, that really, you couldn't ask for amore well rounded revenge thriller of late. This is a movie whichactually is a real movie, instead of feeling like a movie or being acommercial/stunt/SFX reel. Kudos to especially Oplev, Farrell andRapace for making a strong, real film about lovable characters.
No doubt the marketing for the film is way off (as an action thriller,as usual) and reveals quite too much. Doesn't matter. "Dead Man Down"is the finest and most meaningful revenge film in years.
Dead Man Down (2013) Review by GoneWithTheTwins from
The revenge genre is often a tired one. The majority are either sosullen that they lose sight of what makes these fantasies entertainingor too silly to offer any glimpse of realism or consequence. "Dead ManDown" offers just the right amount of grittiness to be taken seriously,but also maintains its own identity with a heavy focus on characterdevelopment and a more philosophical viewpoint on the nature of gettingeven. The vengeful gangster and his plight may be a repetitivebackstory, but the cryptic structuring, attention to emotion, andcompetent acting strengthens the refreshingly fluctuating twists. Whilethe conclusion digresses into a prosaic, albeit satisfying actionsequence, it doesn't dilute the antiheros' uniquely warped relationshipor their infectiously harsh personalities.
When crime lord Alphonse's (Terence Howard) men begin turning upmurdered, along with enigmatic clues elaborating on the responsibleparty, the gangster looks to his henchmen Victor (Colin Farrell) andDarcy (Dominic Cooper) for answers. But Victor has his own plans,including a labored revenge scheme against those that wronged him inthe past. As he steadily brings his complex machinations to fruition,he starts an unlikely relationship with his neighbor, Beatrice (NoomiRapace), an emotionally damaged woman with desires just as ominous ashis. Forced into a vicious cycle of vengeance, Victor must attempt tonot only satisfy his demons but also salvage the soul of his newfoundcompanion.
Adorned with an impossibly generic title, "Dead Man Down" isunexpectedly an absorbingly unique revenge fantasy. Devoid of thetypical action, adventure, and beauteous damsels-in-distress, it isinstead a morbidly dark, fascinatingly grim look at revenge and, lesscommonly, the aftermath. The emotions experienced by the hateful, themurderous, and the defensive are scrutinized beyond the normal array ofpurely evil entities undergoing deserved comeuppance. Nothing is blackand white in the film – instead, every character is tinged withcomplications and questionable qualities, making this group ofantiheroes unpredictable, sympathetic, or repugnant in alternatingturns.
It's rare to see a crime thriller spend so much time on characterdevelopment. It's also quite welcome – the ulterior motives, extortiveattitudes, and sabotage aren't awkwardly spontaneous but rathersensible operations for generously analyzed mentalities. These aren'tcardboard cutouts; and excessive dialogue doesn't make up for lack ofsubstance. Instead, director Niels Arden Oplev opts for prolonged,brooding facial communications that convey much more than stale words.It's a feat for Farrell to be so convincing as an implacable gangster(his best role since "In Bruges") and Rapace is sensational as anequally bitter survivor who literally wears the scars of mental anguishon her face. Howard is one of the few weak spots, once again taking asinister role and making it apprehensive. And although the climaxembodies the raging, explosive visualization of suspenseful retributionthat audiences crave (a contrasting culmination for the sake ofcrowd-pleasing action), it's the contrived satisfaction "Dead Man Down"needs to soften the blow of such a severe, serious series ofretaliations.
- The Massie Twins (
Dead Man Down (2013) Review by David Ferguson ( from Dallas, Texas
Greetings again from the darkness. On the surface, this looks like justanother early season crime thriller. From that perspective, it workswell enough. However, there are some elements that add complexity andinterest, and set this one above the usual. It's directed by NielsArden Oplev who was responsible for the original (and very cool)Swedish version of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. This looks to behis first English language feature and he re-teams with the excitingand talented Noomi Rapace.
The film begins with a body in the freezer, and crime boss Alphonse(Terrence Howard) and his crew solving the mystery of who killed hisfriend and associate. Someone has been tormenting Alphonse with littleclues and he falls right into the trap of jumping to conclusions. Onemember of his crew is Victor (Colin Farrell). We slowly learn moreabout Victor thanks to an awkward and slow connection between he andhis neighbor Beatrice (Ms. Rapace). Their initial acknowledgment ofeach other is an exchange of waves between balconies. It's an effectivevisual.
The movie bounces between crime thriller and romantic/love story. Theadded fun of secret missions from both Victor and Beatrice provide thetwist this one needs. Actually there are 4-5 exceptional scenes in themovie which make up for the often plodding pace ... not typically agood thing for a thriller. The pieces are greater than the whole, butthat doesn't mean it's not an interesting watch.
In addition to Farrell, Rapace and Howard, we get some really enjoyablesupport work from Dominic Cooper, Isabelle Huppert and F MurrayAbraham. Ms. Huppert in particular adds a touch of class and humor, andher character could have easily been expanded ... same for Mr. Abraham.Cooper plays an idealistic, but not so observant buddy to Victor andloyal crew member of Howard.
This one reminds at times of a couple of Mel Gibson revenge flicks:Payback and Edge of Darkness. What really helps here is the strength ofthe cast and unusual scars of Victor and Beatrice. A slightly tighterscript and improved pacing would have jumped this one a level or two.
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