Watch Online Matru ki Bijlee ka Mandola (2013)
- MOVIE page: Matru ki Bijlee ka Mandola (2013)
- Rate: 6.1/10 total 2,707 votes
- Genre: Comedy | Drama
- Runtime: 151 min
- Director: Vishal Bhardwaj
- Stars: Imran Khan, Anushka Sharma, Pankaj Kapur | See full cast and crew
- Original Music By: Vishal Bhardwaj
- Plot Keyword: Politician | Bathing In Lake | Bathing | Alcoholism | Landowner
- (in alphabetical order)
- Vishal Bhardwaj dialogue
- Vishal Bhardwaj screenplay
- Abhishek Chaubey screenplay
- Sabrina Dhawan script consultant
Goofs: Revealing mistakes: The bath tub in which Bijlee is stuck when she is drunk has the faucets for water but no plumbing. It is clearly just sitting on its legs.
Plot: Harry is an industrialist who loves his daughter Bijlee, and the bond they share with Harry's man friday, Matru. Bijlee's plan to wed the son of a politician, however, brings twists and turns in the lives of Matru, Bijlee and Mandola. | »
Story: Harry is an industrialist who loves his daughter Bijlee, and the bond they share with Harry's man friday, Matru. Bijlee's plan to wed the son of a politician, however, brings twists and turns in the lives of Matru, Bijlee and Mandola.
Produced By:
- Ronak Bhagat known as line producer
- Vishal Bhardwaj known as producer
- Vikas Mehta known as associate producer
- Imran Khan known as Matru
- Anushka Sharma known as Bijlee Mandola
- Pankaj Kapur known as Harry Mandola
- Lekha Washington known as Kamini
- Arya Babbar known as Badal
- Shabana Azmi known as Deviji
- Manav Kaushik known as Lala Bihari aka Masterji
- Pranay Narayan known as P A
Production Companies:
- Vishal Bhardwaj Pictures
Matru ki Bijlee ka Mandola (2013) Review by Devanshu Kaushik from Hyderabad, India
There are a thousand ways to approach a serious subject. Yet with MBM,Vishal Bharadwaj does an entirely different take,and an effective yetentertaining one at that. The screenplay has an aroma of theaterthroughout, and is backed by some stellar performances by PankajKapoor, Shabana Azmi and the new pair of Imran Khan and Anushka Sharma.The humor in the film has a quirky charm about it. Pankaj Kapoorexhibits brilliance in the portrayal of a character who can be lovedand hated at the same time. I would strongly recommend the movie toavid theater audiences and also to those who would like to be servedthe Bollywood 'masaala' in an entirely different avatar.
Matru ki Bijlee ka Mandola (2013) Review by rangdetumpy from India
With Vishal Bhardwaj behind the camera one can expect something new inthe offering. This time Bhardwaj goes the quirky humor path with asocially relevant subject. Even though Indian politics & old lunaticpoliticians could be the maximum source of entertainment, for somereasons they are not utilized to the fullest. Bhardwaj-Chaubey's scriptis one such rare political satire that deals with land scam – aperennial problem pan India.
The film begins with a weirdly catchy shot with a limousine beingparked in a farmland in front of the local wine shop. The limousineaccelerated to bump into the stall as we get introduced to HarryMandola, the millionaire & his affinity towards "Gulabo beer". Hepersonifies "Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde" being the Good Samaritan when he isdrunk but during his steady state he is an authoritative, manipulativebusinessman who is planning to take away the land of the farmers forpersonal gain. To add to it there is the corrupt minister with hersinister ambitions to climb the ladder of politics through tactfulalliance with Mr Mandola. All plans goes awry as Mandola under hisuncontrolled drunk state forced the farmers to start a revolutionagainst him.
Vishal Bhardwaj takes a different route from his usual darkpsychological themes and tries to explore the capitalist exploitationof the affluent & the wrong usage of power. Mao Tse Tung issymbolically webbed into the narrative hinting on communistic ideologyas the shadowy "Mao" helps the farmers in their fight to get their landback. Bhardwaj-Chaubey's script is wacky,zany at times surreal thatdoesn't become overtly didactic. There are ample sequences (especiallyin 1st half) which have the mark of genius Bhardwaj. The scene whereMandola & Matru are trying to pull a Well away from their path in adrunken state reflects the existential struggle of the farmers of thesociety. They provide us with the ingredients to survive but we tend toignore their significance, while the politicians are up to their owngames. The serious subject has been absurdly camouflaged with uttersincerity. The dark humors are well placed. One of the finest sequencesinvolves the gathering of the politicians as they take up their wineglass & lustfully shouts "Kursiyan" (chairs of political power) insteadof "Cheers". From Zulu tribe to UFO, Bhardwaj incorporated everythingthat can add in to the madness- with master touch being the creation ofGulabi Bhains (Pink Buffalo) which plays a crucial role in the film.The dialogs are exemplary with unique twisted take on common proverbs.Sample this "tumhare ghar mein Mao Lenin nehi hai kya". Karthik Vijay'scinematography helps in portraying a real & surreal world which getsblended by perfect editing of veteran A Sreekhar Prasad. VishalBhardwaj music is always different and here also his music gels withthe mood. Gulzar seems to have enjoyed a lot penning those quirkylyrics. Seldom has he got the scope to write such interesting lineslike "oye Dolli Dolli Dolli, meri vitamin Ki goli". I am sure he musthave been bored to death writing the typical romantic songs for JTHJand with MKBKM he embraced air of freshness.
The pillar of the film, veteran Pankaj Kapoor as Harry Mandola, isrocking. He effortlessly slips into the role and took "Splitpersonality" in Bollywood to another level. He again showed hisversatility and proved why he is considered amongst the top actors ofour country. Imran khan was easy on eyes and tried his best to dojustice to the complicated role of Hukum Singh Matru. Hopefully hisacting prowess will get noticed with this one. The role of bubbly Bijliis tailor-made for Anushka Sharma and she didn't miss doing justice tothe confused daughter of rich father suffering from "Meena KumariComplex"(as coined by Matru). Shabana Azmi made her presence felt withher lecherous act of climbing the ladder of success. Another fineacting talent of Indian cinema, she showed her spontaneity in thesequence with her son where she is explaining her motive behind thethirst for "power". Arya Babbar surprisingly leaves impression asAzmi's stupid yet calculative son "Badal" who is trigger to Azmi'ssuccess.Navneet Nissan makes her presence felt in the smallinsignificant cameo.By the way what was Ranbir Shourey doing in thatonce scene? Lastly, the smile of the "Gulabi bhains" is addictive..DidI mention that I am also hallucinating like Mr Mandola?
On the whole the Bhardwaj should be credited for depicting a clashbetween communist & bourgeoisie and also dealing with a grave issuelike land-scam. Probably this time he wanted to reach a wider audiencewhich can be felt in the 2nd half when things becomes over simplistic &bromide for the entertainment of regular cine-goers. The climax isdisappointing by Bhardwaj standards when one looks back & checks hisuncompromising brilliant masterpieces like Maqbool,Kaminey,BlueUmbrella,Omakar. Nevertheless even a strictly decent Bhardwaj film isbetter than most of the Hindi films being churned out recently. Likeone can't expect Messi to score in every match it is difficult toexpect brilliancy from each & every film by any director. Having saidthat I feel a Vishal Bhardwaj,Anurag Kashyap,Dibakar Banerjee filmshould never be missed as they bring something new to the platter.Andrepeating myself, even a not-so-great film by any of them is betterthan most of the other Hindi films.
Give MKBKM a chance. There are enough moments that have the stamp ofVB. Icing on the cake is the presence of ever reliable Pankaj Kapoor.
Matru ki Bijlee ka Mandola (2013) Review by Siddharth Gupta ( from India
I generally don't do film reviews and frankly I wouldn't have done thisunless my driver hadn't been late to pick me up.So if you hate thispost, you know whom to blame.
That done with, Matru Ki Bijli Ka Mandola or MKBKM is in one word, ariot.You can easily see Vishal Bhardwaj dripping all over this flick ashe does an excellent job directing this movie(and singing one of thetracks as well).I wont give away the plot but it revolves around threecharacters: Harry Mandola, a rustic rich construction business ownerwho's acute alcohol consumption keeps him swinging between twopersonalities i.e. a bumbling,heavily accented fool and the other of asuave,daughter adoring father.Second is Bijli, Harry's daughter who isa beautiful,wild spirited girl with a golden heart.She's childhoodfriends with the last main character,Matru. Matru is a LLB graduate whoworks for Harry as a driver cum man-Friday. Oh! Did I mention Gulabo,the pink buffalo?
So,with that background,the plot revolves around a hostile governmentland acquisition in a village.But in MKBKM, it's not the plot but thefunny little scenes which matter.Both,intense and comic at the sametime,Bhardwaj has created a film which is obvious in it's plot yetkeeps your wit running as to what happens next. Pankaj Kapur takes awaythe accolades for his brilliant acting and performance while Anushka'srole was far more of being eye-candy with assistance in sub plots (Notthat I'm complaining!). Imran Khan too plays second fiddle to PankajKapoor, but his skills and versatility as an actor are simply great.Themusic as well as direction had the usual yet hatke style of all VishalBhardwaj movies. Lastly, the flaws. The dialogues although wellwritten, were heavily accented and required a bit of North Indian bloodin you to grasp their meaning. Secondly, although the movie is ratedU/A and there are no scenes of sexual depictions, the sly abuse lacedlanguage could result in some odd questions from a younger crowd. Imean would you be willing to answer a 7 year old's question: "What doesBhencho mean?" Plus, some scenes are blunt and simply added for overdramatization so if you're one of those so called "true cinema lovers",you might throw up. So to sum it up, as Anushka Sharma's waist says,Dekho Magar Pyaar Se ;)
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